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 +====== Conferences and Meetings ======
 +On this page, you will find contributions of RMIB GERB Team to GIST meetings and international conferences and some associated resources, including presentations, posters and papers.
 +===== 2022 =====
 +  * July, 04-08: **International Radiation Symposium (IRS)** @ Thessaloniki, Greece
 +      * "Preliminary Validation of 18 Years of Broadband Radiation Data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Instruments", Christine Aebi \\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2022_IRS/Aebi_IRS2022_short.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2021 =====
 +  * September, 20-24: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ virtual
 +      * "Analysis and validation of 17 years of broadband radiation data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instruments", Christine Aebi \\ [[|Poster]]
 +===== 2020 =====
 +  * September, 15-17: **34th CERES Science Team Meeting** @ virtual
 +      * "Validation of 16 years of broadband radiation data from the GERB instruments", Christine Aebi \\ [[|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September, 15-17: **34th CERES Science Team Meeting** @ virtual
 +      * "Dual View Clear-Sky Top-of-Atmosphere Albedo From Meteosat Second Generation Satellites", Alexandre Payez \\ [[]]
 +===== 2019 =====
 +  * May, 7-9: **31st CERES Science Team Meeting** @ Hampton, USA
 +      * "Status of GERB-3 and GERB-4 products and validation", Christine Aebi \\ [[|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * May. 13-17: **Joint Living Planet Symposium** @ Milan, ITALY
 +      * "Surface Soil Moisture: toward a new combined dataset to maximize the use of satellite data", William Moutier\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/201905LPS/WMoutier_LPS2019_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * June. 3-5: **EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) User
 +Workshop** @ Mainz, GERMANY
 +      * "Regional Land Fluxes TCDR within the EUMETSAT CM SAF: Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes", William Moutier\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/201906CMSAFWorkshop/WMoutier_CMWorkshop2019_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * July, 8-18: **27th IUGG General Assembly** @ Montreal, CANADA
 +      * "Comprehensive Validation of the Top-Of-Atmosphere Fluxes from the GERB Instruments", Christine Aebi \\ [[!abstractdetails/0000753390|Abstract]]
 +===== 2018 =====
 +  * Sept. 10-13: **Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget workshop** @ Boulder, CO (USA)
 +      * "RGP Status / GERB 3 Processing Results", Edward Baudrez\\ [[]]
 +      * "GERB 2 Indian Ocean Processing Update", Johan Moreels\\ [[]]
 +      * "Combining GERB Observations With the Newly Released CM SAF AOD Data record", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[]]
 +      * "Developing an AVHRR-based CDR of TO radiative fluxes within the CMSAF Project", Tom Akkermans\\ [[]]
 +  * Sept. 17-21: **Joint EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Tallin, ESTONIA
 +      * "Regional Land Fluxes TCDR within the EUMETSAT Climate Monitoring SAF: Evapotranspiration and Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes", William Moutier\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/201809EUMETSAT/WMoutier_EUMETSAT2018_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2017 =====
 +  * April 23-28: **European Geosciences Union General Assembly** @ Vienna (Austria)
 +      * "MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF", Manon Urbain\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2017EGU/Urbain_EGU2017_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2016 =====
 +  * October 18-21: **Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget workshop** @ Reading (UK)
 +      * "Meteosat MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA radiation data records within the Climate Monitoring SAF", Manon Urbain\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2016ERB/CERES_GERB_SCARAB_meeting_2016.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * April 17-22: **European Geosciences Union General Assembly** @ Vienna (Austria)
 +      * "MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF", Manon Urbain\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2016EGU/Urbain_EGU2016_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2015 =====
 +  * December 15-16: **Technical GIST Meeting** @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK)
 +      * "BARG/HR filled products and release", Edward Baudrez\\
 +      * [[this>/PapPrePos/2015GIST/baudrez_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 21-25: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Toulouse (France)
 +      * "MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF", Manon Urbain\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20150921EUMETSAT/Urbain_EUMETSAT2015_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20150921EUMETSAT/manon_proceedings.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]]
 +  * March 17-20: **CM SAF International Board Meeting** @ Offenbach (Germany)
 +      * "TOA Radiation GERB dataset – 2nd edition - Development Status", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/Various/presentation_IBM7_PCR25.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2014 =====
 +  * October 7-10: **Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget workshop** @ Toulouse (France)
 +      * "BARG/HR filled products and release", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20141007ERB2014/baudrez_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "The Climate Monitoring SAF TOA Radiation products", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20141007ERB2014/ERB2014_CMSAF.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "RMIB GERB Processing (RGP) Status Report", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20141007ERB2014/GIST33_ERB2014_RGP.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "On the processing of G1 with SEV3", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20141007ERB2014/GIST_G1_SEV3.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 22-26: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Genève (Switzerland)
 +      * "New developments in the GERB products suite: BARG and HR Edition release", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20140922EUMETSAT/baudrez_abstract.pdf|Abstract (PDF)]]\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20140922EUMETSAT/baudrez_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * April 28 - May 2: **European Geosciences Union General Assembly** @ Vienna (Austria)
 +      * "Planned update of GERB Edition 1 TOA fluxes", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2014EGU/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * March 24-28: **GSICS Workshop** @ Darmstadt (Germany)
 +      * "Spectral ageing model for the Meteosat First Generation visible band", Ilse Decoster\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/Various/PresentationGSICS.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * March 10-12: **The Climate Monitoring SAF User Workshop** @ Grainau (Germany)
 +      * "Modeling the spectral aging of the Meteosat/MVIRI visible channel: possible use for CM SAF datasets generation", Ilse Decoster\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20140310GRAINAU/poster_ilse.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +      * "The CM SAF Top-Of-Atmosphere Radiation Products", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20140310GRAINAU/poster_rad.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * March 4-7: **Fourth Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop** @ Grainau (Germany)
 +      * "Update of the SEVIRI scene identification within the GERB processing for Edition 2", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2014CREW/poster_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2013 =====
 +  * September 17-18: **GIST 32** @ RMIB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Sunglint filling: status update", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20130917GIST32/baudrez_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * April 23: **Observation Department Day** @ RMIB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Presentation “GERB team"", Nicolas Clerbaux\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/Various/presentation_20130423.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2012 =====
 +  * October 22-25: **Earth Radiation Budget Workshop 2012** @ Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), Princeton, NJ (USA)
 +      * "Sunglint Filling: Status Update", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20121022ERB2012/baudrez_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Composite TOA clearsky solar fluxes for the GERB  processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20121022ERB2012/aipe_presentation1.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Cloud detection using SEVIRI IR channels for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20121022ERB2012/aipe_presentation2.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 3-7: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Sopot (Poland)
 +      * "Cloud detection using SEVIRI IR channels for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2012EUMETSAT/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * August 6-10: **International Radiation Symposium** @ Berlin (Germany)
 +      * "Composite TOA clearsky solar fluxes for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2012IRS/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2011 =====
 +  * September 22-23: **GIST 31** @ Rutherford Laboratories, Abingdon (UK)
 +      * "Sun glint removal for GERB Edition-1", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20110922GIST31/baudrez_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 5-9: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Oslo (Norway)
 +      * "Composite TOA clearsky solar fluxes for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2011EUMETSAT/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2010 =====
 +  * November 25: **ESSC Remote Sensing workshop** @ VUB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Detection of aerosols and other climatological effects by remote sensing using GERB/SEVIRI", Stijn Nevens\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20101125ESSCRemoteSensingWorkshop/ESSCStijnNevensAerosols.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 20-24: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Córdoba (Spain)
 +      * "Modeling of the ageing effects on Meteosat First Generation Visible Band", Ilse Decoster\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20100920EUMETSAT/IlseDecoster.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Pixel-based composite TOA clearsky reflectances for SEVIRI visible images", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20100920EUMETSAT/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * September 13-16: **Earth Radiation Budget Workshop** @ Paris (France)
 +      * "Modeling of the ageing effects on Meteosat First Generation Visible Band", Ilse Decoster\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20100913EarthRadiationBudgetWorkshop/IlseDecoster.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Extending TOA radiation back to 1978 using wide field-of-view data", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20100913EarthRadiationBudgetWorkshop/ceres2010-erb-ebaudrez.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 06-08: **3rd CM-SAF User Workshop** @ Rostock (Germany)
 +      * "Extending TOA radiation back to 1978 using wide field-of-view data", Edward Baudrez\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/201009063rdCMSAFUserWorkshop/cmsaf-uw3-ebaudrez.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval from Geostationary Satellites", Stijn Nevens\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/201009063rdCMSAFUserWorkshop/AODStijnNevensHandout.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * May 2-7: **EGU General Assembly** @ Vienna (Austria)
 +      * "Cloud detection using SEVIRI IR channels for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2010EGU/poster_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +===== 2009 =====
 +  * September 8-10: **GIST 29** @ London (UK)
 +      * "Cloud detection using SEVIRI IR channels", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2009GIST/aipe_presentation1.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * " GERB Edition 1 and CERES scene identification comparisons", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2009GIST/aipe_presentation2.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * February 3-5: **Cloud Parameter Retrieval Workshop II** @ Locarno (Switzerland)
 +      * "Cloud detection using SEVIRI IR channels for the GERB processing", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2009CWS/aipe_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2008 =====
 +  * October 29-30: **GIST 28** @ GISS, New York (USA)
 +      * "Comparison of GERB Instantaneous Radiance and Flux Products with CERES Edition-2 Data"\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2008GIST/GIST28_nico.ppt|Presentation (PPT)]]
 +      * "Updates on the SEVIRI scene identification", Alessandro Ipe\\ [[this>/PapPrePos/2008GIST/aipe_presentation.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2007 =====
 +  * October: **SPIE Remote Sensing** @ Florence (Italy)
 +      * "The GERB edition 1 products SEVIRI scene identification", A. Ipe et al. \\ [[this>/people/gerb/aipe_spie_2007.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]]
 +===== 2005 =====
 +  * September 19-23: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Dubrovnik (Croatia)
 +      * "Pixel-based composite TOA clearsky reflectances for SEVIRI visible images"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/EUMETSAT2005/EUMETSAT2005_aipe.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]]
 +      * "Narrowband-to-broadband conversions for SEVIRI"\\ [[this>/people/nic/Publications/dubrovnik.pdf|Proceeding (PDF)]]
 +  * **Annual meeting société francaise de physique** @ Lille (France)
 +      * "Overview of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Experiment", Nicolas Clerbaux \\ [[this>/PapPrePos/20050000Lille/Lille.ppt|Presentation (PPT)]]
 +===== 2004 =====
 +  * November 8-10: **22nd GIST Meeting** @ Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Update on SEVIRI scene identification"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST22/GIST22_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST22/movie_cs.gif|Movie 1 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST22/movie_nosg.gif|Movie 2 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST22/movie_sg.gif|Movie 3 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST22/movie_thres.gif|Movie 4 (GIF)]]
 +  * November 2-4: **2nd CERES-II Science Meeting** @ Williamsburg, Virginia (USA)
 +      * "Estimation of TOA clearsky images with SEVIRI"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/CERESII_STM2/CERESII_STM2_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/CERESII_STM2/movie_cs.gif|Movie 1 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/CERESII_STM2/movie_nosg.gif|Movie 2 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/CERESII_STM2/movie_sg.gif|Movie 3 (GIF)]]
 +  * October 19-20: **GERB Data Meeting** @ London (UK)
 +      * "Update on SEVIRI scene identification"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/GERB_DM/dm_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GERB_DM/movie_old.gif|Movie 1 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GERB_DM/movie_sg.gif|Movie 2 (GIF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/GERB_DM/movie_thres.gif|Movie 3 (GIF)]]
 +  * March 29 - April 2: **Joint CERES-II and GERB Science Team Meetings** @ Boulder, Colorado (USA)
 +      * "Validation of GERB scene ID for CERES ADM selection"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST21/gist21_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "ADMs anisotropic correction factors and mixed clear scene types: a sensitivity study"\\ [[this>/Documents2/CERES_STM1_ADM_WG.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2003 =====
 +  * August 3-8: **48th SPIE Annual Meeting** @ San Diego, California (USA)
 +      * "Estimation of TOA Radiative Fluxes from the GERB Instrument Data"\\ [[this>/Documents2/clerbaux_spie2003_slides.pdf|Slides (PDF)]] [[this>/Documents2/clerbaux_spie2003.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]]
 +  * May 14-16: **18th GIST Meeting** @ Valencia (Spain)
 +      * "RMIB geolocation assessment with RGP"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/GIST18/gist18_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * [[this>/Documents2/gist18_report.pdf|Mission report (PDF)]]
 +  * April 6-11: **EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly** @ Nice (France)
 +      * "Use of the MSA products as an adequate representation of the surface albedo in the ALADIN-Belgium NWP model"\\ [[this>/Documents2/egs2003_cedric.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +      * "Estimation of the 2002 Mount Etna volcanic plume radiative forcing from Meteosat-7 data"\\ [[this>/Documents2/egs2003_cedric2.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "First TOA fluxes from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Instrument"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/EGS2003/egs2003_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Parameterization of look-up tables for cloud optical depth estimation from visible narrowband reflectances"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/EGS2003/egs2003_aipe2.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * February 12th: **Conference of Dr. Yves Govaerts (EUMETSAT)** @ RMIB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Meteosat surface albedo"\\ [[this>/Documents2/YvesGovaerts.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * February 5th: **17th GIST meeting** @ Imperial College, London (UK)
 +      * "RMIB First Results"\\ [[this>/Documents2/RMIBfirstRes.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Unfiltering of the GERB2 Data"\\ [[this>/Documents2/gist_unfiltering.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * [[this>/Documents2/gist17_rep.pdf|Mission report (PDF)]]
 +===== 2002 =====
 +  * October 30th: **Conference of Dr. Cedric Bertrand** @ RMIB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Radiative Fluxes Comparison: Model (ALADIN) Versus Observation (GERB)"\\ [[this>/Documents2/IRM-Cedric.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]] (7MB)
 +  * September 22-27: **SPIE 9th International Symposium on Remote Sensing** @ Crete (Greece)
 +      * "CM-SAF high resolution radiation budget products"\\ [[this>/Documents2/CM-SAF-RadiationBudget.pdf|Proceeding (PDF)]] [[this>/Documents2/bog_spie_slides.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Validation and homogenization of cloud properties retrievals for RMIB GERB/SEVIRI scene identification"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/SPIE2002/SPIE2002_proc.pdf|Proceeding (PDF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/SPIE2002/SPIE2002_slides.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * September 17-19: **27th CERES Science Team Meeting** @ Princeton, New Jersey (USA)
 +      * "Status of the GERB data Processing System at Launch", RMIB Co.I. Report\\ [[this>/Documents2/CERES_STM27_CoI.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "GERB Inversion - Summary and Validation Plan", ADM WG\\ [[this>/Documents2/CERES_STM27_ADM_WG.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +  * **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference** @ Dublin (Ireland)
 +      * "Regional Bias in the OLR Estimated from the Geostationary Orbit"\\ [[this>/Documents2/DublinNic.pdf|Proceeding (PDF)]] [[this>/Documents2/DublinNic_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +      * "Homogenisation of the reflected solar fluxes in the Climate Monitoring SAF"\\ [[this>/Documents2/homRSF_proceedings.pdf|Proceeding (PDF)]] [[this>/Documents2/homRSF_poster.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +  * April 21-26: **XXVIIth EGS General Assembly** @ Nice (France)
 +      * "The use of GERB-like Fluxes to Validate NWP Models"\\ [[this>/Documents2/egs_cedric.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Generation of TOA Radiative Fluxes from the GERB Instrument Data"\\ [[this>/Documents2/egs_nic.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "TOA Clear-Sky Reflectance for GERB/SEVIRI Scene Identification"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/EGS2002/EGS2002_aipe.pdf|Poster (PDF)]]
 +      * [[this>/Documents2/egs_report.pdf|Mission Report (PDF)]]
 +  * January 21-25: **Joint CERES and GERB Science Team Meetings** @ RMIB, Brussels (Belgium)
 +      * "Validation and Homogenisation of Cloud Properties Retrievals for RMIB GERB/SEVIRI Scene Identification"\\ [[this>/Documents2/Brussels_2002_CERESslides.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "GERB LW Radiance-to-Flux Conversion"\\ [[this>/Documents2/Ceres_STM_25.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +===== 2001 =====
 +  * October 1-5: **EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference** @ Antalya (Turkey)
 +      * "Validation and Homogenisation of Cloud Properties Retrievals for RMIB GERB/SEVIRI Scene Identification"\\ [[this>/aipe/Documents/EUMETSAT2001/article_aipe.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]] [[this>/aipe/Documents/EUMETSAT2001/slides_aipe.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
 +      * "Derivation of Top Of the Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes from SEVIRI: Methodology, Accuracy and Perspectives"\\ [[this>/Documents2/fluxesSEVIRI.pdf|Proceedings (PDF)]] [[this>/Documents2/fluxesSEVIRI_poster.pdf|Presentation (PDF)]]
conferences.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 13:58 by