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RSS team Organisation RMIB

This page aims to inform you about who is responsible of which part of the GERB / CM SAF / EarthCARE / C3S projects at the RMIB. If you need a contact, you can email or phone the concerned person. In case of email, it is worth to put our collective email address (gerb[at]meteo[dot]be or remote_sensing[at]meteo[dot]be) in CC.

:!: Every RMIB GERB team member can be reached at FirstName [dot] LastName [at] meteo [dot] be.

Collective E-Mail Addresses

Team members

Almudena Velazquez-Blazquez (+32 2 373 67 58)

  • EarthCARE Scientist : unfiltering and radiance to flux conversion for the BBR instrument
  • Generation of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) timeseries for Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
  • Earth Radiation Budget data brokering in the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS)

Edward Baudrez (+32 2 373 06 23)

  • GERB Scientist
  • RGP configuration manager (git, …)
  • Backup/help for IT system administration (see J. Moreels)
  • technical support to EarthCARE processors (BM-RAD, BMA-FLX) development and ERB data access in the Copernicus Climate Data Store

Tom Akkermans (+32 2 373 05 50)

  • CM SAF Scientist: Earth Radiation Budget from the AVHRR instruments as part of the CM SAF CLARA-A3 data record.
  • Develop ERB data from others polar satellite instruments (VIIRS, Metimage)

William Moutier (+32 2 373 06 26)

  • CM SAF Scientist: Surface latent and sensible heat fluxes from Meteosat First and Second Generation as part of the CM SAF Regional Surface fluxes data record.

Nicolas Clerbaux (+32 2 373 06 10)

  • GERB and CM SAF Scientist: level 3 TOA fluxes, SEVIRI processing within the RGP, GERB Unfiltering and LW angular modelling.
  • SEVIRI reception via EUMETCast, data archiving
  • Administration and project management

Johan Moreels (+32 2 373 06 49)

  • GERB Scientist
  • Improved exploitation of level 1.5 GERB data in the RMIB GERB Processing (RGP)
  • RGP engineering and administration

Christine Aebi (+32 2 373 06 43)

  • GERB scientist
  • Focus on level 2 GERB data validation
  • GERB case studies (e.g. CM SAF ACACIAS)

Pierre de Buyl (+32 2 373 05 80)

  • GERB scientist
  • Development of the ED02 of GERB level 2 products
  • Focus on improving the “SEVIRI Processing” part of the RGP

Postal Address

Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Department Observations
Section Remote Sensing from Space
Avenue Circulaire, 3, Ringlaan
B-1180 Brussels

Former members

Alessandro Ipe

  • Scientist: cloud retrieval for Earth Radiation Budget studies, radiative transfer modelling.
  • Scientist: developing second edition of GERB data record.
  • Manager of the web and ftp servers
  • System administration of the GERB/CM SAF operational computers
  • System administration of the personal computers of the team
  • Responsible for the GERB data transfer with the RAL
  • Representative at IC user committee of the Institute

Alexandre Payez

  • Earth Radiation Budget Scientist
  • Exploitation of GeoRing data

Steven Dewitte

  • GERB and CERES science team member
  • RMIB responsible for international relations (i.e. EUMETSAT) and Artificial Intelligence
team.1656504277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/28 13:57 (external edit)