On this page, you will find contributions of RMIB GERB Team to GIST meetings and international conferences and some associated resources, including presentations, posters and papers.
September, 10-15: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference @ Malmö, Sweden
“ Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB): status update and user-friendly access to GERB data using Python”, Pierre de Buyl program entry - Presentation (PDF)
July, 04-08: International Radiation Symposium (IRS) @ Thessaloniki, Greece
“Preliminary Validation of 18 Years of Broadband Radiation Data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Instruments”, Christine Aebi Presentation (PDF)
“Analysis and validation of 17 years of broadband radiation data from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instruments”, Christine Aebi Poster
September, 15-17: 34th CERES Science Team Meeting @ virtual
“Validation of 16 years of broadband radiation data from the GERB instruments”, Christine Aebi Presentation (PDF)
September, 15-17: 34th CERES Science Team Meeting @ virtual
Sept. 17-21: Joint EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference @ Tallin, ESTONIA
“Regional Land Fluxes TCDR within the EUMETSAT Climate Monitoring SAF: Evapotranspiration and Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes”, William Moutier Poster (PDF)
April 23-28: European Geosciences Union General Assembly @ Vienna (Austria)
“MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF”, Manon Urbain Poster (PDF)
October 18-21: Joint CERES-GERB and SCARAB Earth Radiation Budget workshop @ Reading (UK)
“Meteosat MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA radiation data records within the Climate Monitoring SAF”, Manon Urbain Presentation (PDF)
April 17-22: European Geosciences Union General Assembly @ Vienna (Austria)
“MVIRI/SEVIRI TOA Radiation Datasets within the Climate Monitoring SAF”, Manon Urbain Poster (PDF)
December 15-16: Technical GIST Meeting @ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK)
“BARG/HR filled products and release”, Edward Baudrez